The presence of ”no” answers means you need to be cautious before moving forward in your relationship

The presence of ”no” answers means you need to be cautious before moving forward in your relationship

I was AWESOME at cutting my Barbie’s hair back in the day :0 so why not an ID wig?

  • We are having the same issue with Rutherfords. (NT) — Two pairs in 6 months, Thu
  • Our Fays have all collapsed within 3-5 months. Back to old Rutherfords. Bought several pairs before they were no more her available. (NT) — $$$$, Thu
  • Happening on all ours shoes also. (NT) — 2-3 months in, Fri
  • Yes! Experiencing this right now. Will be ordering a new pair this week. Wonder why it is happening. Cheaper materials? (NT) — NN, Mon
  • Yep, been having that issue for last 3 pairs. Pat says it’s because shoes are small and stretch out/back/over?? (NT) — Not sure I believe that. Mon
  • I had that issue with Fays years ago, not a new problem. Switched to Feis Fayres in about 2014 and never had the issue again. The Fays just didn’t suit my foot well, stretched out and then the heel would collapse (NT) — Switch brands, Thu

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She sat across from me, pulling herself deeper into the corner of the couch while telling me about the discovery of her husband’s affair. ”We’ve been together over 20 years and I never thought he would do this. I always told him that if he ever cheated, I would be out the door. But now it’s happened and I’m still here. I don’t want to lose him. Am I really that weak? Or am I just crazy?”

A member of our AH Community posted this: ”I just keep asking myself, why would I stay with someone who isn’t sure he wants to be with me? Why would I give him time to figure out who he wants to be with? I always thought that if I was cheated on, I would most definitely leave him in an instant. Now that it has really happened, why am I still here? Am I the weak one? Am I just asking to be hurt again? It’s so hard to throw away 13 years together, all the great memories we have. Can it ever come back?”

I’ve seen a couple on the CR site, but figured I’d ask dancers/dm’s before contacting them directly and spending more when we might not have to

These are common questions. People are often confused by their reactions to a spouse’s affair. In that confusion, it is natural to wonder if the choices they’re making are born out of strength or out of weakness. And the contradictory opinions of the people around them just add to the perplexity.

Your choice to leave or stay depends on a number of factors. In deciding whether or not to give your spouse a second chance, I’d encourage you to ask the following questions. If you are able to say ”yes” to the them, then there is obvious hope for your marriage’s recovery.

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